How to Install and Configure Ansible on Windows?


Ansible is a popular open-source automation tool that allows system administrators to automate repetitive tasks and manage multiple servers simultaneously. It is widely used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. While Ansible is primarily designed for Linux and Unix-based systems, it can also be installed on Windows. In this article, we will guide you through process of installing and configuring Ansible on Windows.


Before we begin, make sure your Windows machine meets following requirements −

  • A Windows operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 or Windows Server 2012 or later)
  • A minimum of 4GB RAM
  • PowerShell version 3.0 or later
  • Python 3.5 or later

Step 1: Install Python

The first step is to install Python on your Windows machine. You can download latest version of Python from official website ( Once download is complete, run Python installer and follow instructions to complete installation. Make sure to check option to add Python to PATH environment variable during installation.

Step 2: Install pip

Once Python is installed, you will need to install pip, a package manager for Python. Open a PowerShell window as an administrator and run following command −

python -m ensurepip --default-pip

This command will install pip and add it to PATH environment variable.

Step 3: Install Ansible

Now that Python and pip are installed, you can use pip to install Ansible. In same PowerShell window, run following command −

pip install ansible

This command will download and install Ansible and its dependencies. Once installation is complete, you can verify that Ansible is installed by running following command −

ansible --version

Step 4: Configure Ansible

Before you can start using Ansible, you need to configure it by creating an inventory file and setting up SSH. An inventory file is a list of hosts that Ansible can manage. To create an inventory file, open a text editor and create a new file named “inventory”. In this file, list IP addresses or hostnames of Windows machines you want to manage, one per line. For example −


ave inventory file in a location of your choice.

Next, you need to set up SSH on Windows machines you want to manage. Ansible uses SSH to connect to remote machines and execute commands. Windows does not come with SSH by default, so you will need to install an SSH server. One popular option is OpenSSH for Windows, which you can download from official website ( Once you have installed OpenSSH, you need to configure it to allow remote access. This involves editing sshd_config file, which is located in installation directory of OpenSSH (usually C:Program FilesOpenSSHsshd_config). Uncomment following line to allow remote access −


Save file and restart OpenSSH service.

Step 5: Test Ansible

Now that Ansible is installed and configured, you can test it by running a simple command. Open a PowerShell window and run following command −

ansible windows -i <path/to/inventory> -m win_ping

Replace “<path/to/inventory>” with actual path to your inventory file. This command will ping Windows machines listed in inventory file and return a success message if everything is set up correctly.

Here are some additional tips and best practices for using Ansible on Windows −

  • Use WinRM − While SSH is default protocol for connecting to remote machines in Ansible, it’s not always best option for Windows. Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is a more secure and efficient protocol that allows you to connect to remote Windows machines without need for SSH. To use WinRM with Ansible, you’ll need to configure it on your Windows machines and set up appropriate Ansible inventory variables.
  • Install PowerShell modules − Ansible can leverage PowerShell modules to perform various Windows-specific tasks, such as managing Active Directory, configuring IIS, and managing Windows services. To use these modules, you’ll need to install them on your Windows machines first. You can do this using PowerShell Gallery, which is a centralized repository for PowerShell modules.
  • Use variables and templates − Ansible allows you to use variables and templates to make your playbooks more flexible and reusable. You can define variables in your inventory file or playbook, and use them to control behavior of your tasks. You can also use templates to generate configuration files or scripts dynamically based on values of your variables.
  • Use roles − Ansible roles are a way to organize your playbooks into reusable modules. A role is essentially a collection of tasks, files, templates, and variables that can be applied to different hosts or groups of hosts. By using roles, you can avoid duplicating code and simplify maintenance of your playbooks.
  • Test your playbooks − Before running your playbooks in production, it’s important to test them in a controlled environment. Ansible provides several tools for testing, such as “check” mode, which allows you to simulate execution of your tasks without actually changing anything. You can also use “–syntax-check” option to validate syntax of your playbook, or “debug” module to print debug information during execution of your tasks.
  • Use version control − Ansible playbooks are essentially code, and like any code, they should be version-controlled. By using a version control system such as Git, you can track changes to your playbooks, collaborate with other team members, and roll back changes if necessary.
  • Use roles for modularization − Ansible roles can help you organize your playbooks and make them more modular. A role is a collection of tasks, files, templates, and variables that can be reused across multiple playbooks. By using roles, you can avoid duplicating code and make your playbooks more maintainable. You can create roles using “ansible-galaxy” command, which generates a directory structure for your role and allows you to easily share it with others.
  • Use WinRM connection plugin − WinRM connection plugin is a more efficient and secure way to connect to Windows hosts than default SSH connection plugin. It allows you to authenticate using Kerberos or NTLM, and encrypts all traffic using SSL. To use WinRM connection plugin, you’ll need to install “pywinrm” Python module on your Ansible control node.
  • Use “when” statement for conditional tasks − “when” statement allows you to conditionally execute tasks based on value of a variable or result of a previous task. This can be useful when you need to perform different tasks on different Windows versions or when certain conditions are met. For example, you can use “when” statement to install a software package only if it’s not already installed.
  • Use “register” statement for capturing task output − “register” statement allows you to capture output of a task and store it in a variable, which you can then use in subsequent tasks. This can be useful when you need to perform multiple tasks that depend on output of a previous task. For example, you can use “register” statement to capture IP address of a Windows host and then use it in a later task to configure a firewall rule.
  • Use Ansible Vault for sensitive data − Ansible Vault is a feature that allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. This can be useful when you need to store this data in your playbook or inventory file. To use Ansible Vault, you’ll need to create an encrypted file that contains your sensitive data, and then reference this file in your playbook or inventory file using “vault_” prefix.

By following these tips and best practices, you can use Ansible to effectively manage your Windows infrastructure and automate your daily tasks as a system administrator. Ansible’s flexibility and versatility make it an ideal tool for managing Windows servers, and can help you achieve greater efficiency and productivity in your organization.


Ansible provides a powerful set of features that can simplify your daily tasks as a system administrator. For example, you can use Ansible to manage user accounts, install software packages, and configure system settings across multiple Windows machines simultaneously. Ansible also supports a wide range of modules and plugins that can extend its functionality even further.

In summary, Ansible is a versatile automation tool that can be installed and configured on Windows. With Ansible, you can automate repetitive tasks, manage multiple servers, and simplify your daily workflow as a system administrator. We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through installation and configuration process. Happy automating!

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