debian / ubuntu dig command not found


18.04 LTS server running on Google cloud. It says ‘-bash: dig: command not found‘ I tried apt install dig command, but it failed. How do I install dig command on Ubuntu or Debian Linux using the command line over ssh?

Introduction: The dig command is primarily used to query DNS servers. It is a useful tool for network troubleshooting. It is popular due to its flexibility, simple to use, and crystal clear output over host command. This page shows how to install dig command on a Ubuntu using the bash shell. You must log in as root user to install the following package.

BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS (Domain Name System) protocols. BIND includes a DNS server (named), which resolves host names to IP addresses; a resolver library and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating properly. However, bind is not installed by default including the dig command.

You must install dnsutils package on an Ubuntu based system. It contains a collection of utilities (such as dig command and other) for querying DNS name servers to find out information about internet hosts. These tools will provide you with the IP addresses for given host names, as well as other information about registered domains and network addresses.

In ssh-console:

# apt-get update
# apte-get install dnsutils

How do I use dig command on Ubuntu/Debian?

The syntax is as follows:

dig Hostname
dig DomaiNameHere
dig @DNS-server-name Hostname
dig @DNS-server-name IPAddress
dig @DNS-server-name Hostname|IPAddress type

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