MySQL error «Field xxx doesn’t have a default value»


If you get mysql error:

«Field xxx doesn’t have a default value»

This means that when inserting or updating data, the field does not have a default value. To solve the problem you need:

  • find this request and fix it, add the required field;
  • in the table properties specify the default value;

Another solution is turning off mysql mode: “Strict Mode”, i.e. we turn off strict compliance with MySql.

You can turn it off in the my.ini config:
writing instead:

# Set the SQL mode to strict

following code:

# Set the SQL mode to strict

Or by running the following query:

SET @@GLOBAL.sql_mode= ''
SET @@SESSION.sql_mode= ''
When strict mode is turned off:
for numeric values, the default will be 0, and
for string - there will be an empty string.

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